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Page 59 from D.C. Beard's The Jack of All Trades

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Cover to "The Cowslip, or More Cautionary Tales in Verse." Originally printed 1811, reprinted 1899.

"A Double Barreled Announcement." Boys' Life: The Boy Scouts' Magazine January 1913, page 1

Portrait of Algernon Charles Swinburne

Portrait of Dante Gabriel Rossetti by Willaim Holman Hunt

A picture of Corinne and Bee discussing their involvement in civil disobedience movements

Sara Davidson's depiction of mainstream media

A poem by Jenny Keith

A poem by Lori Goddard

A map of Turtle Island from the perspective of Lakota. It depicts a map of North America as the treaty of 1851 depicted it.

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D.C. Beard's The Jack of All Trades Chapter 3: "The Back-Yard Zoo."

Title Page of T.S. Eliot's Homage to John Dryden

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D.C. Beard's The Jack of All Trades Chapter 2heading

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D.C. Beard's The Jack of All Trades Chapter 6 Heading

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D.C. Beard's The Jack of All Trades Chapter 4 heading

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D.C. Beard's The Jack of All Trades Illustration, page 21. "Making a Capture."

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D.C. Beard's The Jack of All Trades Illustration, page 35. "Visiting the Animals."

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D.C. Beard's The Jack of All Trades Illustration, page 49. "The Back-yard Fish Pond."

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D.C. Beard's The Jack of All Trades page 25. "Hunting Without a Gun,"

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D.C. Beard's The Jack of All Trades Title Leaf
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