Table of Contents from Blast: the War Number

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Table of Contents from Blast: the War Number


Wyndham Lewis


July, 1915

Rights Holder

University of Victoria Special Collections


University of Victoria Special Collections


London Group.
Arts--Great Britain.
English literature--20th century.
World War, 1914-1918--Literature and the war.
World War, 1914-1918--Art and the war.
World War, 1914-1918--Literary collections.
Art, British--20th century.
Arts, British--20th century.


Table of contents from the War Issue of Blast. Features Wyndham Lewis, Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, Ford Madox Heuffer, J. Dismore, H. Sanders


University of Victoria Special Collections


John Lane


Tyler Fontenot

Table Of Contents

Editorial.-- War notes. 1. The God of sport and blood; 2. Constantinople our star; 3. Mr. Shaw's effect on my friend; 4. A super-Krupp or war's end? 5. The European war and great communities / by Wyndham Lewis.-- Poems / by Ezra Pound.-- Artists and the war; The exploitation of blood; The six hundred, Verestchagin and Uccello; Marinetti's occupation / by Wyndham Lewis.-- Vortex (written from the trenches) / by Gaudier-Brzeska.-- Poem - "The old houses of Flanders" / by Ford Madox Hueffer.--
A review of contemporary art / by Wyndham Lewis.-- Poems - 1. Preludes; 2. Rhapsody of a windy night / by T. S. Eliot.-- Poems and notes: 1. Monologue; 2. London notes; 3. June night; 4. Promenade; 5. Payment; 6. Matilda / by J. Dismorr.-- The art of the great race / by Wyndham Lewis.-- A vision of mud / by H. Sanders.-- Five art notes: 1. The London Group; 2. Modern caricature and impression; 3. History of the largest independent society in England; 4. Life has no taste; 5. American art / by Wyndham Lewis.-- Chronicles / by Ezra Pound.-- Vortex "Be thyself" / by Wyndham Lewis.-- Blasts and blesses.-- The crowd-Master (first part) / by Wyndham Lewis.

Date Created

July 1915

Date Copyrighted

July, 1915




Wyndham Lewis, “Table of Contents from Blast: the War Number,” UVic Libraries Omeka Classic, accessed June 1, 2022,


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